Knoxville, TN
Blackford Veterinary Surgery Referral
12,470 sq ft
Architecture, Engineering, Interiors
In 2019, Dr. LeeAnn Blackford set out with a plan to renovate her practice in preparation for future growth and the addition of adding her daughter to her surgical team. Enlisting the design services of MBI, the Blackford Veterinary Surgery Referral began renovation of their existing 2-story, 5,240 SF clinic while also expanding with a new 7,230 SF addition.
The end result was a new state-of-the-art surgery facility with three fully functional operating suites, a physical therapy wing, an internal medicine wing, and two smaller wings for future growth. One of the new surgery suites is outfitted with a GE NuBoom surgical boom tower which allows Blackford surgeons to perform minimally invasive scope surgeries with the greatest precision and efficiency.
With the renovation, extra space was provided to give additional services to patients and support the veterinary specialty need in the surrounding Knoxville community.
In 2019, Blackford Veterinary Surgery Referral renovated its 5,240 SF clinic and expanded with a 7,230 SF addition, creating a state-of-the-art facility with three operating suites, a physical therapy wing, and space for future growth.
Welcome to MBI – where we transform into action, creating designs that improve life.